Bag Size Change & Price Updates

Because of changes in our equipment line and upgrades that we have scheduled, we are reducing the size of our bags from 50 lbs to 40 lbs. (And the prices dropped to reflect this!)

As the mill continues to grow we're taking steps to keep up, and speeding up the bagging line is a critical process. The cost difference to bag material into a 40 lb bag versus a 50 lb bag doesn't seem like a big deal but the prices for equipment are, and as much of the industry now does 40 lb bags we're going with it! The reduced weight also reduces the physical demands that the bagging job requires, thus keeping our employees healthier. And you won't have to strain as much when you are lifting that bag to feed your animals, either!

Since we've dropped the size of the bag we're also dropping the price. We have kept the pricing per pound consistent while scaling down the size from 50 to 40 lbs. We have applied a small increase to our feeds to help make up for several large increases that we've seen in base material costs, insurance and inflation. We are not passing all of these increases on to you.

And of course, since we dropped the size of the bags the price levels change a bit as well. Your total bill (when picking up at the mill) is determined in part by how many bags you purchase. The new levels are below:

  • If you buy 1-15 bags of 40 lb feed you pay the wholesale price level +$4/bag

  • If you buy 16-49 bags of 40 lb feed you pay the wholesale middle price level + $2/bag

  • If you buy 50+ bags of 40 lb feed you pay the wholesale price level

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!


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Flashback: Union Point Custom Feeds Profiled in Capital Press